Advantages of Fat Transfer Surgery

By Kung Plastic Surgery  March 27, 2020

People lose volume in their bodies as they grow older, and this can add years to their appearance. Using the body’s fat, fat grafting can increase volume, giving people a more youthful appearance. Fat grafting has also been called fat transferring, fat transplanting or lipo-transferring, but all terms essentially refer to the same procedure.

Using the body’s fat to rejuvenate a person’s appearance has several advantages. Most people have plenty of fat storage, and fat can easily be sculpted with precision. The results are a treatment that is permanent and looks and feels natural. Also, people do not have allergic reactions to their body fat. Recently, it has been discovered that stem cells in fat provide additional improvements in the skin by eliminating wrinkles.

Rejuvenate Different Areas of the Body with Fat Transplanting

Many different areas in the body can benefit from fat grafting, such as the face, hands, breasts, and buttocks. The method to augment the buttocks is familiarly called the Brazilian Butt Lift. Fat grafting has benefited women who need breast reconstruction after lumpectomies or mastectomies. This procedure gives the affected breast a similar shape and feel of natural breasts. With breast procedures, sometimes the doctor will recommend expanding external tissue using a Brava Bra before completing the fat grafting procedure.  

The face can also benefit from fat grafting by plumping the cheeks and lips. Sometimes this is coordinated to complement other cosmetic treatments, such as facelifts and neck lifts. Also, many people who have experienced deformities after liposuction use fat grafting to restore the normal contours in the skin.

Benefits of Using Body Fat for Cosmetic Enhancements

There are many advantages to fat transfer surgery, such as:

  • A quick recovery period
  • Permanent enhancement
  • No scarring
  • Quick procedure and recovery time.

The Procedure of Fat Transfer

Patients are administered an antibiotic before the treatment to prevent infections. After receiving anesthesia, the doctor uses a thin hollow tube called a suction cannula to harvest fat cells from a donor location. Then the cells are placed into a machine where they are prepared to be re-injected into the areas receiving the enhancement.

Both the donor and recipient areas may be tender and sore for the first 48 hours after surgery.

Contact Dr. David Kung in Chevy Chase for Quality Cosmetic Enhancement using Fat Grafting

If you are interested in enhancement using the advantageous treatment of fat grafting, contact Kung Plastic surgery today!